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How To Maintain A Chemical Free Lawn

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Growing lush green lawns is a popular practice among home owners in the US. This is backed up by the fact that the lawn related business is estimated to be worth about $40 billion. Having a perfect lawn, that is unnaturally green and free of any weeds has become part of today’s modern culture.

It is estimated that regular domestic lawns are overloaded with fertilizer and pesticides, all in the name of growing the perfect lawn. This not only leaves a substantial dent in the pockets of home owners but also negatively impacts the environment.

For those looking to grow a naturally great looking lawn without the use of costly and harmful chemicals, you have come to the right place. Read on to find out how you can have the best lawn in the neighborhood naturally.

Get The Soil Tested

As previously stated, most lawns in the US are overloaded with fertilizers and harmful chemicals in the name of pesticides. When these chemicals are carried to nearby water bodies they create substantial changes in the water’s chemical composition; resulting in an algae bloom.

New home owners are therefore encouraged to take the time to get a soil sample tested at a local Cooperative Extension office before the plant a new lawn. The test results give an accurate breakdown of the chemical composition of the soil. You can use the results to gauge whether the soil can support the growth of a healthy lawn as is.


If you think that your soil needs a boost of nutrients to support the growth of a healthy lawn, it is recommended that you use a mixture of compost and pulverized soil, instead of traditional fertilizers. Evenly spread an 1/8 inch layer of the mixture over the top soil of the lawn; the grass should be able to grow right through the layer; this should be done when over seeding or re-seeding the lawn at the tail end of fall or spring.


How you mow your lawn affects the health of the grass, and with it, the resulting appearance. First and foremost, it is recommended that you cut the grass higher. 3.25” will or higher will work just fine. This helps keep the ground covered, locking in the moisture.

Every time that you mow your lawn, it is important to ensure that the blades on the lawn mower are as sharp as possible. Mowing the lawn with a dull blade causes the lawn to turn brown a day after cutting the grass as the blade tears the grass blades instead of cutting through them.

Practicing the above tips will definitely go a long way in helping you grow a healthy lawn without having to use harmful chemicals. It is however worth noting that the lawn will not be a hundred percent free of weeds as you will not be using pesticides to kill them. It is recommended that you get used to having some weeds which create some variety to your home’s lawn. Find detailed information at https://ziehlerlawncare.com/lawn-care-maineville-ohio/

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