Following a lawnmower maintenance schedule is the best way to keep your lawnmower in great shape. These days, lawnmowers can be quite expensive. It is important to protect your investment by taking proper care of your equipment.
As with all types of machinery, there are certain steps that you need to take to maintain your lawnmower. Some of the larger maintenance tasks take place in the spring while others take place in the fall and winter. You also need to properly maintain your mower all summer long between uses to keep it from getting dirty or worn down.
Try following the maintenance schedule for lawnmowers below to keep your mower in tip-top shape:
Spring Maintenance
After winter starts to fade and the grass begins to grow, it is the perfect time to think about starting spring lawnmower maintenance. One of the first things that you should do is change the oil in your lawnmower. Making sure that it has fresh oil is a great way to keep the engine running smoothly.
You should also change the air filter and replace the spark plug. This will help ensure that the engine gets enough air and that it starts every time.
Finally, don’t forget to add fresh gasoline. Avoid using gas that has been sitting all winter long. Gas that is stored for a long period of time can get dirty or can develop problems with water in the gasoline. It is best to start fresh by purchasing new gas before mowing for the first time.
Finally, don’t forget to check the blade to see if it needs to be sharpened. A sharp lawnmower blade will slice the grass off cleanly, leaving your lawn a lot healthier.
Summer Maintenance
Before starting the mower, take a look underneath it to make sure that it is not clogged with grass or debris. Additionally, check the lawnmower blade to make sure that it doesn’t need to be sharpened again.
Periodically check the air filter to make sure that it is not clogged. If it is dry or dusty out when you are using the mower, consider periodically changing the oil to keep it fresh and free from debris.
Fall Maintenance
Before putting your lawnmower away at the end of the season, there are some important maintenance steps that you need to take. First, you should drain the oil out of the mower and put in clean, fresh oil.
If there is any gasoline in your mower, consider adding a fuel stabilizer to it. This will help keep it fresh throughout the winter so that it is ready to use again in the spring.
Clean your mower thoroughly, removing any grass or debris. Pay particular attention to the area around the blade. Finally, find a clean, dry place where you can store your mower for the winter. It should be somewhere that is secure and well protected from the weather.
Following this simple lawnmower maintenance schedule will help keep your mower in great shape for many years to come. For more details click here http://discoverziehler.com/lawn-care-beavercreek/